Tuesday 19 April 2016

My First (Palagi) Massage

One of the ladies I Visit Teach at church (touch base with at least monthly to make sure they're ok) is studying to be a massage therapist. Last week she posted that she was looking for volunteers, as she needed practical experience as part of her course. I thought, 'Hey, if you can't help one of your visiting homes in this way, how can you?', like the post and she quickly contacted and booked my appointment for tonight. 

My experience with massages is very limited. When I was working at the bank, they would have people come around during the end of financial year to give massages and they would come to my desk and I'd say 'Don't touch me' and let them go off on their merry way. 

My other experience is either getting my youngest daughter to walk on my back when I felt the need to get rid of a kink here or there. 

Like I said, my experience with massage is very limited. 

I get a reminder message (how professional) this afternoon about the appointment with the added 'if you would like your legs to get done, please bring underwear.' Pass on getting the legs done.

It got closer to the time and it did feel a bit weird. I hardly know her, even my sisters haven't seen my back fat... How does this whole massage thing work? What am I supposed to wear? What if the massage table cannot hold my mass? What if I fart accidentally? All very valid questions. 

In true island fashion, I rock up with my own lavalava just in case the towels aren't big enough for me. 

She hands me a towel asks me to put it over my back like a cape. Mind drifts as I picture myself as Super Girl or Wonder Woman. She leaves to give me privacy and then it's time to get ready and I get on the table. 

It holds firm. It holds firm and it's not shaky. I holds firm, it's not shaky and I can move around a bit without feeling like it may collapse under me. Yussssss! 

She comes back in and does her thing. I close my eyes and try not concentrate on my poor boobies that are taking the brunt of my weight. Every move is slow, calculated, tender and firm all at the same time. I can tell she is really thinking about what she is doing and even though she may be traumatised by my back fat, she is doing a fabulous job. 

I'm in heaven. 

Then she asks me to roll over. Huh? She is the ultimate professional. Screening her from me for my privacy and comfort. And it's for her protection.. her eye protection haha. She finishes by tenderly massaging my arms, hands, and face. 

I'm back in heaven. 

It's time to go home and I'll be back again when she needs me again (because I'm a great Visiting Teacher). One day I'll look back and tell people I knew Alice Parr when she was a massage therapy student and they won't believe me that I'm cool enough to know her. 

True Story. 

Thanks for my first massage Alice & all the best. Keep my name on your list for the next time Xx. 

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