But I digress..... The genius child is banned. We call it banned because that's what it is. He is banned from electronics and drawing. The things that he loves the most and the things that will make this whole experience cut to the heart. It started at the beginning of the school holidays and will last the whole two weeks.
So, what happened? There's a bunch of boys in his class and they were being disrepsectful to their teacher. Not putting super glue on the teachers chair or making her cry like one of my siblings dahaha.. but talking whilst she was talking and stuff like that.
Ah, I can hear you now.
"Sheesh, that's a bit hard"
"Boys will be boys"
Sorry, not in my backyard. My Tarlini and I were raised with respect as being one of the founding principles of the family. I would never even consider the notion of being disrespectul when I was his age. Yeah, yeah, it was a different time back then. It was also a time when these issues were handled with jandals and jug chords and upper cuts. Being the youngest, I think my parents got tired of it all by the time it got to me, so I was spared the rod a lot!
We are into Week 2 of being banned. He is hurting. I've had a few pleas to let him on the computer. A few long sighs and attempted debates. I must admit he nearly got me a few times. My Tarlini is tougher than me. It's that mother-son thing.

I was watching Police Ten 7 the other night and it made me angry! People weren't wearing seat belts, others had cannabis on them and they were just let off with warnings. I watch Tonight Tonight or ACA (one of the two) about a lady who attacked her housemate, stomped on her head and she got 22 stitches in her head. The attacker got 50 hours community service. LIke why the face already! I'm not saying that is where son is heading, but we got to nip these little negative behaviours in the butt right now.
We spoke tonight about this horrible ordeal that he's living. I reminded him that it's self inflicted and when he looks back, he will remember this and maybe check himself before he says or does something he will regret. Yes, I think he's already learnt his lesson, but the ban sticks.
Only 4 more days to go, but worth it for this one life lesson.
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