Inspiration or personal revelation is exactly that - personal. I believe how it is received is very personal too, and because Heavenly Father knows us individually, He delivers the news to us in the best way for us.
For me, sometimes it's in the things I read or things peple say or do. Or sometimes it's in my dreams. (Remember it's relates to either my family, me or my calling - in case you think I'm cuckoo hahaha).
My Tarlini and I have been talking about our respective callings over the last week and it has been on my mind. I love Primary! Sometimes the kids are more mature than me (true story), I just love how accepting they are and I love that they recognise truth more readily than adults.
So here's my dream:

So, I walk in and out of one the doors in the building this woman walks out and I instantly recognise her. Our families grew up in the same town and she is the same age as of one of my sisters. I didn't know her well, but I knew her. I was happy to see her and asked for directions to get back to the motorway. Her directions were to follow this main road and I would get there.
I get in the car, and follow the road and of course, I feel uncertain and lost again! The main road is parallel to a train track and I stop at the train station. I go inside the station and to my surprise I see someone I know again. She is someone I work with in Primary and I have known her for years. She points me in the right direction.
I get in the car again and as I'm travelling down the road, I see two girls sitting on some steps and I recognise one of them. I know this little girl quite well and I knew she shouldn't be here. I don't remember who the other girl was, but I know she is part of our Primary. I stop the car, bundle them in the car and return them home to their families.
Well, I woke up feeling pretty happy. The reason I got lost was that there were two little girls that needed help returning home to their families and I was glad to be a part of that and there were people put in place to help along the way. Some of the children that I serve in Primary I know quite well, and others I don't.. but somehow it is my task to help all of them return home with their families.
For me, it was my personal confirmation that I am serving where I should be and there is so much work to do.
I shared my dream with the mother of the little girl that I recognised today. As I shared it with her, we both recognised the feelings we were having and had a bit of a happy cry. Later she thanked me and talked about the influence I have on her children,and that as a leader there are things I can do for her daughter that she can't. What a great responsibility and privilege it is to serve in Primary.
It may not be to Lehi's Dream proportions, but as I said before - it's a piece of my personal revelation that I will always treasure and I share it because it has strengthened my testimony and I hope it does yours. If you're wondering what the heck or why the face.. check this out:
Sometimes it's not only about the dreams, but what you do once you've caught them.
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