Actually its on my hips, my thighs, my butt and blaringly obvious, my tummy. As a matter of fact, my tummy is making a handy
resting place for my notepad as I write this on my commute to work. My kids still enjoy singing 'Wiggly Party' to it, like its a cool party trick. Oh, and don’t forget my Special KFC arms. Haawwwwwt!
I am obese.
Okay, technically I am probably morbidly obese, but I have never actually made this official. Well, ‘cos you know – you don’t really need the scales to tell you – ‘cos you can like see it.
I know what you’re thinking! It’s the children. Carrying them for a total of 27 months really takes a toll on your body (for the non-rocket scientists out there - that's three babies at nine months each - I'm not really an elephant!). Quite honestly, the stretchmarks were there long before Number 1 was even a figment of our imagination. Number 3 is four years old now, so yeah, Strike One.
The Word of Wisdom teaches us that we should eat meat sparingly. I actually read it again today to make sure I got it right and here’s what it says :
‘Yea, flesh also of the beast, and of the fowls of the air, I, the Lord, have ordained for the use of man with thanksgiving; nevertheless they are to be used sparingly; And it is pleasing unto me that they should not be used , only in times of winter, or of cold, or famine.’ Doctrine & Covenants 89:12-13
Whoa – did you get that my pacific brothers and sisters? I cannot comprehend a meal that has a sparse amount of meat in it. I came home from work with my niece 'Phoenix", and the wife says, we’re having vegetable pie for dinner. We gave each other a puzzled look, but still ate away. So that’s a big Strike Two for me.
Some doctors say that certain emotions can trigger your need for a feed. That’s not the case with me. Happy, sad, angry, lazy, stressed, pretty much any emotion is a good reason to eat.
So what to do, what to do?
The Biggest Loser: No thank you. Although it would be an awesome experience, the time away from my family would be too much for me. Really, one of the main reasons is that I have no desire to get on TV and give everyone that show. I don’t even want to see that show. Plus, it has become a family ritual for us to eat KFC whilst watching the results show. I know that’s bad – don’t’ judge me! Hahaha!
Lap Band/Gastric Bypass Operation: I have a couple of friends who had done this, and they are looking FABULOSO! (I would give you a shout out, but I’m being anonymous remember). I’ve got some friends who are thinking about it, and apparently it’s becoming pretty common. All power to you! To be honest, if I had the money, I would probably consider it, but I don’t. I think I would do this as well when I have really tried everything else, but I really haven’t tried yet. So that’s a no as well.
Diet Pills - My mother is a Registered Nurse, with a Masters Degree in her field. Even though she is in her 60s, I will not do anything that will cause her to cross the Tasman Sea and whoop my behind. So, no thank you. (Love you Mum!).
So, there isn’t going to be a quick fix for me. It’s the good old diet and exercise. A lifetime ago, I would run up and down the basketball court and come home from the chapel really sore, but really satisfied. I don’t think I’ll be ripping up the court for a while, but I have not forgotten how to box people out!
The promises attached to the Word of Wisdom are to
'receive health in their navel and marrow in their bones..... And to run and not be weary, and shall walk and not faint.' Doctrine & Covenants 89:18,20.
First things first. I would like to walk up my driveway without sounding like I'm having an asthma attack.
Of course the greatest motivation is being around longer for the kids with the bonus one day (far far away) of hanging out with the grandchildren. I want Hubby and I to know our grandchildren as well as my children and their cousins know my parents. So that when it comes time for them to meet us in the next world, it will be the sweetest reunion and not a ‘nice to meet you.’ Not ready for Strike Three yet. Amen.
P.S. Don’t worry I’m not doing a visual diary or anything. Whew! Hahaha.
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