Saturday, 27 August 2011

In Humility, Our Saviour

Today I was blessed to be able to meet with the Lale family, who are mourning the loss of six family members in the house fire in Slacks Creek this past week. I was there to take a donation on behalf of my colleagues, as one of the members of our work family is a close relative of the Lale family. 

As we sat together and spoke, I was humbled by their strength, continuous faith and their sense of duty to the community to ensure that everyone is welcomed with open arms, as well as being in the public eye as they grieve. As I spoke to the man who had just lost his wife and children in that tragedy, I really felt the strength and love he has for his family. I spoke of how I have family members in the heavens, and I'm sure they would be part of the welcoming committee up there, to look after his family until it's his time to join them. I couldn't hold back my tears. 

I am a firm believer that everyone grieves in their own way. There is no wrong or right way. When my Dad died and we went home for his funeral, I slept in the room he passed away in. During the funeral service, I had this overwhelming desire to feel closer to him, and had my hand on his coffin throughout most of the service. That was my way. 

As I spoke to my work buddy, whilst her family were busy around her, I was in awe. She is a Team Leader, and I could see where she got her training to be a great leader from - her family. The care and consideration she gives her team is exactly the same consideration and care that she gives to her family, and they give back in return. 

I met these kind hearted and gracious people who couldn't express their grattude enough for the community support and love. 

They are more than faces at a news conference or news story, they are real people. I hope when the time comes for them to bury their dead, they are given the privacy they need by the media and the public. I hope that they are given time to regroup as a family in their own time. We grieve for their loss, but they are the ones grieving the most, and I hope they are given the time to grieve in their own way. 

Today's lesson: Humility and Gratitude. May we hold our loved ones closer, a little longer and be grateful for the time we have together here on earth.  

Rest in Peace Jeannette Lale, Jerry Lale, Paul lale, Lafoai Lale, Dela Lale, Richie Lale, Fusi Taufa,  Annamaria Taufa,  Lahaina Taufa, Kalahnie Taufa and Ardelle Lee.

Families are Forever. 

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful words Malae. So true, grateful to know families are forever x
