This isn't a hint to my Bishopric that I want to be released, because I LLLOOOOOVVVVEEE Primary. I really do (REALLY).
I haven't been to Relief Society for nearly 4 years now. My church callings have kept me in Young Women or Primary. Before that I actually served in Relief Society for a good 3 years. Go figure!
I miss being able to sit there and just listen to the lesson. I miss being able to sit in a room full of women and feel encouraged by one another, feel like we are in the same boat, have the same struggles and that although it's not encouraged, feel that it's very normal to scream the house down sometimes or use what little spare time you have to either sleep or just totally blob out.
I think other ladies who serve in Primary and YW may sometimes be feeling the exact same way. For me, this is why Visiting Teaching is so important.
My Sundays are a blur. I am trying to help inspire, teach, encourage children 18months - 11 yrs old for the final 2 hours of church. All my focus is on that. It's on making sure the preparation I've done all week is coming to fruition. And if the spirit guides me to change it, then I've got my A-game on to be able to follow that inspriation and go with it. I'll wave to the Relief Society Secretary and as I'm doing rounds helping to knock on doors and prepare for the last hour, I am totally in the Primary Zone. I miss announcements, even if they are handed to me. Anything that is handed to me that doesn't relate to what I need to do in Primary that day is put in my bag and left there until I remember it was there the following Sunday when I've missed the Relief Society activity that I only realised happened because I saw photos on Facebook. D'oh! I'm not blaming anyone but myself.
Visiting Teaching is important to me because at the moment, it is my connection with Relief Society. There are two sisters that have been assigned just for me. Two sisters that I can talk to about anything for ME. I don't have to talk to them about Primary but I probably would. If I'm comfortable enough, I can pour my heart out to them. I can share my struggles and my triumphs. They don't have to be my best friends but they can tell me about what's going on in Relief Society. What lessons touched them and why. Someone else to call 'friend'.
They are my link to Relief Society. (Man, I need to be a better Visiting Teacher too!)
I was feeling particularly disconnected (I loathe that word) the weekend of our Stake Relief Society Celebrations "Live, Laugh, Learn & Love'. I volunteered to do a poster for the event and did the last minute thing and took it up to the chapel the night before. The chapel was decked out in true Relief Society style. My husband encouraged me to go and admittedly, I went reluctantly. I worked that Saturday morning, but managed to get in for lunch - learnt some juggling and was part of the instant choir. I was even part of the surprise 'flash mob' thingee during afternoon tea thanks to my sister. I absolutely loved it! The best part was when a group of men got up and sung "Walk Talk, You're a A Daughter of God" It was exactly what I needed and most powerful when hearing it from righteous men. Thank you! The day was great - I'm glad I went.
I know I am serving where I am needed, and I am grateful for the privilege to serve in Primary. I know that the sisters in Young Women are grateful as well. Sometimes, we just miss Relief Society!